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Interview: Melissa Gal

Posted on5 Months ago


Driven by her passion for cross-country skiing and the mountains, Melissa chose to live in La Clusaz, an ideal location for quality training facilities.

Passionate about sport from an early age, she explored a variety of activities for a long time before finding her way to the top level. Melissa started cross-country skiing at the age of 13, which she found very difficult at first because she was technically behind the other skiers.

It was at the Ski Club Nordique du Pays Rochois that she learned to progress on her cross-country skis, and she has now been a member of the French cross-country ski team for 10 years. She took part in the Beijing 2022 Olympic Games and the Planica 2023 World Championships.

In 2024, Melissa became an ambassador for Gourmiz' energy bars, a brand she passionately supports! 🙂


Driven by her passion for cross-country skiing and the mountains, Melissa chose to live in La Clusaz, an ideal location for quality training facilities.

Passionate about sport from an early age, she explored a variety of activities for a long time before finding her way to the top level. Melissa started cross-country skiing at the age of 13, which she found very difficult at first because she was technically behind the other skiers.

It was at the Ski Club Nordique du Pays Rochois that she learned to progress on her cross-country skis, and she has now been a member of the French cross-country ski team for 10 years. She took part in the Beijing 2022 Olympic Games and the Planica 2023 World Championships.

In 2024, Melissa became an ambassador for Gourmiz' energy bars, a brand she passionately supports! 🙂


Can you tell us about your sporting career?

I've always been attracted to the sport. I dabbled in various disciplines, particularly soccer, which I really enjoyed. I started cross-country skiing quite late, at the age of 13, and joined a cross-country club. I worked my way up gradually but quickly. First, I joined the Comité Mont Blanc and the cross-country ski pôle espoir at high school. Then I joined the French national teams just 4 years after taking my first steps on skis.

Today, I've been on the French team for 9 years. I took part in the Beijing 2022 Olympic Games and the Planica and 2023 World Championships. I have 9 French champion titles to my credit, and a vice-world champion title in the U23 relay. This season, I achieved 3 top 20 finishes on the World Cup circuit.

How did you become a Gourmiz' ambassador?

Flora Dolci told me about Gourmiz'. We've been teammates on the French national teams for several years. Having been won over by the products she consumed, she gave me a taste of Gourmiz' bars. It was through her that I became an ambassador.


Can you tell us about your sporting career?

I've always been attracted to the sport. I dabbled in various disciplines, particularly soccer, which I really enjoyed. I started cross-country skiing quite late, at the age of 13, and joined a cross-country club. I worked my way up gradually but quickly. First, I joined the Comité Mont Blanc and the cross-country ski pôle espoir at high school. Then I joined the French national teams just 4 years after taking my first steps on skis.

Today, I've been on the French team for 9 years. I took part in the Beijing 2022 Olympic Games and the Planica and 2023 World Championships. I have 9 French champion titles to my credit, and a vice-world champion title in the U23 relay. This season, I achieved 3 top 20 finishes on the World Cup circuit.

How did you become a Gourmiz' ambassador?

Flora Dolci told me about Gourmiz'. We've been teammates on the French national teams for several years. Having been won over by the products she consumed, she gave me a taste of Gourmiz' bars. It was through her that I became an ambassador.

What do you love about your sport and how do you incorporate it into your daily routine?

What I love about cross-country skiing is the competition. Going beyond your limits and working towards your goals are values that stimulate me.

The training conditions are also great for their diversity and contact with nature. So I take the opportunity to discover new places, whether on the road or on the trails. I love being outdoors.

During preparation, we spend a lot of time with the team, and I love these moments of sharing and cohesion. It's an atmosphere I can identify with!

So my day-to-day life is entirely focused on training, even though I'm studying biochemistry at the same time. My studies are organized to enable me to organize my schedule according to my training sessions and competitions, and also to devote time to recovery.

What motivated you to become an ambassador for Gourmiz'?

As a top-level sportswoman, my diet is an essential part of my day-to-day performance.

Gourmiz products provide me with what I need to meet my energy requirements. Their ingredients are natural and organic. And the brand's transparency means I know exactly what I'm eating.

I'm also very proud to represent a brand that's committed to the environment! Whether it's the packaging, the import of the products or the fight against waste, nothing is left to chance.

How do Gourmiz' products fit into your training or competition routine?

I consume Gourmiz' products very regularly. After every high-intensity training session, after and during training sessions of over 2 hours and of course after every competition!

So I always carry a few bars with me at the bottom of my bag!

How do you manage your diet during periods of intense competition?

It's very important to provide your body with enough energy to match its expenditure.

I compete intensively from November to March, so I'm very careful about what I eat during that period. It's just as important to choose the right ingredients for your meals as it is to eat regularly during and after training. That's what keeps the body going over the long term!

How do Gourmiz' values correspond to your own values as an athlete?

Their nutritional commitment is obviously very consistent with my nutritional commitment, since the bars are made from organic products.

However, gourmet pleasure is not forgotten, and it's important to find pleasure even in your snacks!

So I enjoy eating in a natural, healthy way.

What's more, Gourmiz' is a company that challenges itself by seeking out new products and flavors. Just like me, they don't rest on their laurels and are constantly striving to improve!

What have been the biggest challenges you've faced in your sporting career, and how have you overcome them?

I've encountered many different challenges in my career, such as injuries, illnesses, periods of under-performance... It's difficult to single out one of these situations, but overall what's difficult is to constantly question yourself, persevere and overcome all these stages one after the other without losing motivation. Top-level sport is also about experiencing very strong emotions, and in the end you have to be able to feed off the moments of intense happiness and learn from the disappointments.

Building a top-level career is a long-term process!

To overcome them, I can rely on all the people around me: my family, my friends, my coach... and of course I can also count on myself with all my life experiences.

And sometimes, you just have to get your head out of the water and take some time for yourself by finding other interests. In short, it's all a question of balance.

What achievements are you most proud of, and what role did nutrition play in these successes?

What I'm most proud of is my participation in the Beijing 2022 Olympic Games. It was a timeless moment that I'd like to relive over and over again... Now I'm dreaming of going back and winning an Olympic medal!

I'd say that nutrition is a fundamental part of the equation, that it's an inescapable lever for performance. It's essential to have nutrition that's adapted to the effort you put in and the sport you practice, throughout your career. I don't think you have to change your eating habits in the run-up to a major sporting event, but you do have to be more demanding at that point.

What are your sporting goals for the months and years ahead?

My career goals are to win medals at world championships or Olympic Games. There's still a long way to go, but I believe in it!

For the next few months, I'll be taking it easy after a tough season. I'll also be able to enjoy my second passion: soccer!
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