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Interview: Flora Dolci

Posted on5 Months ago


Flora Dolci, from Birnaçon in the Hautes Alpes, is a top-level cross-country skier.

A member of the French Teams for almost 10 years, she has been competing on the World Cup circuit for the past 4 years. A young cross-country skier with many passions, she enjoys being outdoors, training and diversifying her training methods.

During the summer, her daily routine is punctuated by wheel-skiing, running and cycling, as well as paragliding, climbing, mountaineering and any other sport likely to provide her with new skills for cross-country skiing.

In 2023, she joined the Gourmiz' ambassador team. Our protein bars go everywhere with her 😃


Flora Dolci, from Birnaçon in the Hautes Alpes, is a top-level cross-country skier.

A member of the French Teams for almost 10 years, she has been competing on the World Cup circuit for the past 4 years. A young cross-country skier with many passions, she enjoys being outdoors, training and diversifying her training methods.

During the summer, her daily routine is punctuated by wheel-skiing, running and cycling, as well as paragliding, climbing, mountaineering and any other sport likely to provide her with new skills for cross-country skiing.

In 2023, she joined the Gourmiz' ambassador team. Our protein bars go everywhere with her 😃


Can you tell us about your sporting career?

My name is Flora Dolci. I'm 24 years old and come from Briançon, in the Hautes-Alpes (05). I joined the AS Edelweiss cross-country ski club in 5th grade. Today, I'm a member of the French cross-country ski teams.

I started competing on the regional circuit. Then, thanks to my good results, I was able to move up to higher and higher circuits. I took part in my first World Cup in 2017, and in 2022 I'll be starting my first 30km (skating) at the Olympic Games.

This year, I'm having my best season ever, with 4th, 5th and 7th places in the World Cup and five Top 15s.

How did you become a Gourmiz' ambassador?

I discovered the Gourmiz' brand through social networks and fell in love with it. I've been an ambassador for over two years now, and I'm really happy and proud of it! It's a brand I love for many reasons. I feel that my values are shared, it's a family-run business that focuses above all on quality and whose products are really healthy and very good!


Can you tell us about your sporting career?

My name is Flora Dolci. I'm 24 years old and come from Briançon, in the Hautes-Alpes (05). I joined the AS Edelweiss cross-country ski club in 5th grade. Today, I'm a member of the French cross-country ski teams.

I started competing on the regional circuit. Then, thanks to my good results, I was able to move up to higher and higher circuits. I took part in my first World Cup in 2017, and in 2022 I'll be starting my first 30km (skating) at the Olympic Games.

This year, I'm having my best season ever, with 4th, 5th and 7th places in the World Cup and five Top 15s.

How did you become a Gourmiz' ambassador?

I discovered the Gourmiz' brand through social networks and fell in love with it. I've been an ambassador for over two years now, and I'm really happy and proud of it! It's a brand I love for many reasons. I feel that my values are shared, it's a family-run business that focuses above all on quality and whose products are really healthy and very good!

What do you love about your sport and how do you incorporate it into your daily routine?

Being outdoors!

I'm incredibly lucky to practice an outdoor sport that requires many hours of training. Over the course of a year, I put in over 800 hours of training, including cross-country skiing in winter and wheel-skiing, running, cycling and weight training in summer.

I love being outdoors, I love being in the mountains or in the forest, I love summits, I love covering miles on foot, on bike, on skis, I love wide open spaces, in short, I love breathing in the fresh air! My sport, which is also my job, fits in naturally with my daily routine.

What motivated you to become an ambassador for Gourmiz'?

I sincerely believe that there are companies that deserve to be highlighted, and for me Gourmiz' is one of them.

As a top-level athlete, what I eat is very important in my daily life: it's my "fuel", my source of energy. So I make sure that this energy is the best it can be. Gourmiz' bars fit the bill perfectly. I was looking for bars with a healthy composition. Cereal bars often have far too long a list of ingredients for my taste. They contain a lot of added sugars, preservatives and additives. Gourmiz' bars, on the other hand, contain no more than 5 ingredients!

Gourmiz' bars are organic, unprocessed and contain few ingredients: ideal in my opinion!

How do Gourmiz' products fit into your training or competition routine?

I eat Gourmiz' products almost every day.

Doctors and dieticians recommend that we eat a bar every hour of training. So I try to respect these recommendations when my sessions exceed 1h30.

I also eat a fruit bar before every race, taking it 1 hour before my start to keep my blood sugar levels relatively high and give me maximum energy!

How do you manage your diet during periods of intense competition?

During the winter, we go through 5 major periods, each consisting of 3 or 4 competition weekends, which represents around 30 races in all.

Diet is therefore vital to keep up our energy levels and our ability to keep racing and stay competitive.

So we make sure we eat enough carbohydrates, proteins and lipids to cover our needs. We also make sure we have no deficiencies in micronutrients such as iron, magnesium, zinc and so on. This requires a varied and healthy diet...

How do Gourmiz' values correspond to your own values as an athlete?

For me, "I am what I eat". I'm made up of cells that draw their energy from what I eat. If I don't eat well, these cells will be unhealthy and I won't be able to live my life 100% the way I want to...

Processed products and junk food are the scourge of our times. Gourmiz' is a company that is resisting this societal phenomenon. In their products, their operations and their philosophy, I find the sobriety I'm looking for right now.

It's a company that not only cares about the quality of its products, ingredients and origins, but also about the working conditions of its employees: something that's not so widespread these days. I sincerely value all these approaches, and that's why I'm proud to be a Gourmiz' ambassador.

What have been the biggest challenges you've faced in your sporting career, and how have you overcome them?

I think my greatest challenges have been injuries.

These are events that we can't control and that have a severe impact on our training and performance, but also on our bodies and our heads...

You have to be stoic, relativize and be patient, but when you're constantly trying to optimize everything in your day-to-day life and an injury comes along and stops you from training or taking off, it's not always easy.

Focusing on what you can control, on the present moment, on small daily steps forward, on setting yourself small challenges, all help to play down the situation and live it better.

What achievements are you most proud of, and what role did nutrition play in these successes?

This winter, I finished three seconds off the podium in the World Cup, which is by far my greatest performance. Nutrition was obviously key to this race. In my everyday life, food is a pleasure, but when it comes to skiing, food becomes "my energy". Without it, it's clear that I can't handle the training loads of the preparation period, and I can't go fast on skis during the winter.

What are your sporting goals for the months and years ahead?

We're at the beginning of April, and for us "cross-country skiers", April means a "sporting break". I'm not going to stop doing sport, but I will be able to take time out to do other things I'm passionate about: ski touring, paragliding, climbing, visiting friends I don't usually have time to see, traveling and discovering new places...

Then, in May, I'll start preparing again, so that I can go fast to the 2025 World Championships and above all to the 2026 Olympic Games in Milan!
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